miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011


WHY REV. MOON LOVES SOCCER: VISION FOR PEACE THROUGH SPORT Peace is undeniably the highest value or our age. Reverend Moon teaches that peace becomes possible when we acknowledge the existence of other peoples, nations and cultures, that is, when we do not ostracize, but accept and embrace people who are different from us.

One of the thousands of world known people supporting Sun Myung Moon is the Brazilian soccer player, Pele. "The King of Soccer" supports Rev. Moon in recent Sports for Peace initiatives. According to them, football is a natural bridge between cultures, races, ethnic groups and nations. Because of this vision for football, as a powerful unifying and peacemaking force, Dr. Moon founded in 2002 the World Cup football for peace - King Peace Cup -

Pioneer in the fight for human rights and tenfold congressman, Lecturer Walter Fauntroy notes: " I fully uphold Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, because he invest all his finances and full potential of his organizations for two main purposes, peace and families." Senator Larry Preslar added: " My admiration of Dr. Moon and his wife grew enormously. His energy, vision and dedication to the cause of peace are unprecedented in the history of mankind." Following his vision and ideal of Peace, Rv. Moon established the Il Hwa Professional Soccer Team in Sung Nam promoting world Peace through the football (soccer). Additionally, he established the Sorocabe Soccer Team and the Cene Soccer Team managing all with success.

Its celebrations are held in university football stadiums and are centered on a match which takes a character of compromise and commitment for the cause of World Peace. In his native land of Korea, he won the support and trust of some government officials than understand his vision and philosophy of peace. Through the guidance of Rv. Moon, the team trains football players in a big sports center.He has changed the status of an ordinary game. It conveys similar messages as a successful football team: applying individual efforts toward a greater goal, respect to the opponents and the game, sacrifice, good ethic and moral standard, plus the ideal of promoting peace inside and abroad.

See also:Peace Cup Athletes Lauded outstanding Effort in Korea
Reverend Moon and Sports

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011


On July 19, 2008, a helicopter carrying the Rev. Sun Myung Moon crashed into a mountain in South Korea, injuring Rv. Moon and others.

The helicopter was carrying 16 people when it crashed in Gapyeong, about 37 miles northeast of Seoul. It burst into flames after hitting the ground.

On that day july 19, 2008 at 5: a.m, the day started as usual, reading the scriptures.

Spending each day as if were thousand years observing and living in eternity as it were a moment, every second count for Rv. Moon and his wife


"It was raining before take - off I checked in with the staff at the main gate of the Jeong Gung Museum, no less than five times. During these communications, they told me that they could see up to the ridge, along the hill above. So we decided to take of and fly back to the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. We were suddenly enveloped in fog or cloud. As a result, we have zero visibility." Pak Gyu dong, pilot.

"When the helicopter started swaying, the children sitting next to me

were excited and said: "Wow"... I was about to tell them this was not a

fun situation, when suddenly, through the window, we began to see the top of the trees. Almost immediately we crashed with a tremendous bang". Yim Ji-seon, attendant.

"I was very frightened when I smelled the helicopter burning I could feel the intense heat from outside. Then I was really afraid, realizing that it could explode at anytime, I thought we were going to die and I move with a great urgency". Rev. Peter Kim, special assistant.

"The lower half of the exit door, which the mechanic opened, opens out as a staircase for the passengers. The doors are made to be pushed open. The upper half of the door was opened toward the skies, we lifted Rv. Moon up and through the exit. As we did so, we could already see flames and so we knew that the aircraft was already on fire. " Yoo Ki-byung, special assistant."

"This accident was quite similar to one that occurred recently involving an army Huey helicopter. In that accident, all of those aboard perished. In light of this, I believe the pilot of this helicopter took the right measures... and the passengers did everything they could to have done in the circumstances, I think it was because of this that there were no fatalities or serious injuries.

"The cause of the accident is currently investigated by government officials, the Sirkosky company and other concerning agencies. During the initial investigation it became apparently, aspect of the accident can no be easily explain some of the experts explain about 5 miracles phenomenon:

The first miracle appropriate altitude and the helicopter Rotor.

The second miracle, the cherry tree and the Y - shaped tree.

The third miracle, the muddy cradle on the Hillside.

The fourth miracle, Evacuation in the Gloom.

The fifth miracle, Coordinated escape amid the danger of explosion."

Choi Yeon Cheol, Professor helicopter Operation of Hauseo University.

to seen supernatural phenomeno : Jang Tae Ryung, movie director:
Mr. Kim Yong-ho a fellow movie director, told me that he was fishing at Gapyeong on the 19th when
the skies sud clouded over. He looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow, and although he thought it strange, he felt that seeing it meant good fortune. As he was gazing at the rainbow he saw a helicopter under it, and on a closer look he saw what appear to be a flock of white birds under the rainbow, by the aircraft. He thought they were doves, and wonder why there were so many white doves in the sky. As he gazed at the sight, he realize that the "doves" had human form, like people with wings. Hundreds of these people with wings surrender the helicopter."

An incredible testimony that it will be hard to described as coincidence.

The youngest son of Rv. Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, said: "I think we truly witnessed a historic moment of divine protection. My brothers Hyo-Ji nim, Heung-Jin nim and Young-Jin nim protected that helicopter. The ancestors came down from the spirit world at that moment and helped, each in their own way, by grasping hold to the helicopter. We all truly felt this."

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011




"When young people dropout of school they, and American society at large face multiple negative consequences". (American Youth Policy Forum).

Every year, close to one-third of eighteen year olds do not finish high school. The dropout rates for minority, students from low-income families, and disabled students are even higher. This is not just a problem affecting certain individuals and schools, it is a community-wide problem that affects everyone. High school dropouts commit about 75 percent of crimes in the United States and are much likely to be on public assistance than those who completed high school. The cost to the public for these crime and welfare benefits is close to $200 billion annually.

General Colin Powell, said in a "Good Morning America" exclusive interview:
"It's not a moral catastrophe, it's an economic problem... it's a security problem. So it is a moral and economic imperative for us to deal with this crisis".

Nationally, about 71 percent of all students graduate from high school on time with a regular diploma, but barely half of African American and Hispanic students earn diplomas with their peers. In many states the difference between white and minority graduation rates is stunning; in several cases there is a gap of as many as 40 or 50 percentage points.

Drop out is not a problem affecting certain individual and school, it is a community-wide problem that affects everyone.

For decades, educators have labored to help these kids but a community wide problem needs a community-wide solution. Moreover, schools want community help.


Dropouts surveyed wanted "better" teachers, more tutoring, summer school an extra time with teachers would have improved their chances of graduating.

The relationship between students and teachers are the most important factor in student's school experience, better positive o negative.

Personal problems cause youth to leave school if they do not have a trusted adult from whom they can seek help.

The pace of instruction is an important reason youth give for leaving school - students who need extra attention and don't receive it are likely to dropout (BYTF 2006).

"Today, school problems are emerging as an urgent social issue in America, Japan and the whole world. Teachers should educate their students with parental love. They should teach with love that is eternal. Their ties should last beyond their school days. Teachers should be unable to forget about their students for the rest of their lives. Those who connect all their knowledge with love are true teachers."
Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Family under attack:
UN and Obama against traditional family

Them, the dropout crisis is a complex problem that involves many factors. Mainly the kind of relationship between the family, parents and children. The family is the most significant school of love.

This relationship between parents and children, involve spiritual, moral and emotional aspects, and help to develop a good character education.

To have this good character education we need strong and good moral families.
It is a call to live with a high moral and ethic values inside the family and the society at large.

These ethic and moral values, are what Reverend Moon has been promoting for decades.

See also: True filial love

Resources: Solutions for America - Healthy Families & Children
Alliance for Excellent Education - FactSheert
National Save the Family Now, Movement, -Capital Outlook-
Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


The life of Reverend Moon,
whose task it is to complete the mission of the True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution.

The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to indemnify and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. His task is to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the missions of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to the process of God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humankind, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone. It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many times between life and death, even vomiting blood, he still had to rise again like a phoenix to remain true to his promise to God.
Rev. Moon Sun Myung: Moments From a Lasting Legacy -

Though he was innocent, Reverend Moon has had to endure unjust imprisonment six times: for working in the underground independence movement when he was studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang, which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s independence; during the Syngman Rhee administration after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and, furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the life of Reverend Moon? His has been a life of misery; by biting his tongue he has endured for the sake of comforting God, and for the salvation of the fallen people of the world who are suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if someone were to look into my heart and speak one word of sympathy, I would burst into tears and my tears would flow like a waterfall.

See Also: Sun Myung Moon:crazy for peace!


Rv. Moon 88 years of age, survived a helicopter accident.
After 13 days of the inc
ident, these were his words:

'This incident, the helicopter accident, was the ultimate determination
(of evil) to destroy even the hopes that I cherished in my heart.
You have to understand how much I have gone through in order

to fill the gap (between what is and what should be).

I abandoned my family when I was sixteen and departed from
this (secular) world at that young age. The things over which
I was unable to gain victory as the Son of Heaven when I was sixteen should (be restored) through history.
Rev. Moon & Unification Church
Rev. Moon's followers and operation

When Satan made his final assault to
destroy me when I was
on the S-92
heaven foiled his attack.
I am truly, truly, truly grateful for the fact that none of the people
on board were hurt by the flames and that all survived, and to be able
to be here today amidst the cheers and testimonies of the people
on the earth and in the spirit world asserting the manifestation
of True Parents"

"It was a miracle of miracles and should
go down as such in the history of air
accidents. Although there many adjectives
there are no words to describe it"
Lee Cheol Seung Chairman UPKMF.

See also: Attitude of gratitude can make each situation positive

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011


Lucifer knew everything about the significance of the fundamental love of the human ancestors and about God’s providence. He feared God and held him in awe, and he also knew about the position that he was expected to keep. For these reasons, he has always been in a state of insecurity. He has lived in fear that one day a particular incident would occur. This has been the story of Lucifer’s life.
Lucifer has lived in a state of insecurity and fear, and has forgotten what it was like to enjoy love and peace. The time when he lived surrounded by God’s love and in God’s bosom is nothing but a very distant memory to him. Today, he struggles in the hope that his desires can be satisfied within the limited scope of the life of fear and dread. He has hoped that his will could become reality. His life has been a repetition of this pattern.
Lucifer lived in oneness with insecurity and fear. If God is associated with the Holy Spirit of love, joy, hope, peace and warmth, then Lucifer is closely associated with insecurity and fear. This is because he took that which belonged to someone else. This has been the origin of every aspect of his existence. No matter how hard he may try, he cannot fool people completely. This is because he is a creature created by God, and that is how he was created. How, then, can Lucifer break out of this wall of insecurity and fear and become one with God’s heart of love?

The way he can do this is to keep his position and his station in life. He is not in his own position but in someone else’s, and he is pretending to be the rightful owner of that position. As long as this is true, he lives with the insecurity that the true owner of that position may someday appear. If he were to change his attitude, and announce, “I am not the owner. Wait a little while, and the owner will come,” then his heart would be much more at ease. Also, he must become humble and rid himself of selfish elements. Taking over a position that was not his own and pretending to be the owner means that he has exceeded his rightful level and stolen the position of the rightful owner.

Insecurity and fear came about as a result of excessive desire. Lucifer must do away with selfishness, and live life honestly in his rightful place. That is the only way he can have a foundation of peace, love, and happiness. The greatest crime that Lucifer has committed against humanity until now is that he passed on to us insecurity and fear at the same time that he passed on to us original sin. The fact that insecurity and fear remain in the hearts of human beings signifies that elements of the fall still remain within us. Even great amounts of human effort and prayer have not been sufficient to rid us of these elements or to bring an end to the history of evil.

Working within the context of our precious human lives, we need to remove from our minds and bodies the evil elements we received from Lucifer. To do this, we must reveal every aspect of Lucifer’s nature and root out his fundamental elements. This is not something that can be accomplished in silence or meditation.

Not knowing something can never be considered good in the eyes of God. We must make efforts to know, and when we have knowledge that should not be the end. We gather knowledge in school, but knowledge has no significance if it becomes an end in itself. We must practice the things we have discovered and learned. This is necessary if we are to rid ourselves of the elements that we received from Lucifer. For a long time, Lucifer’s existence was discussed only in terms of his being a criminal. No one taught how we could rid him from our lives.

Now, though, each of us must know the method by which we can get rid of him, and we must root out Lucifer’s elements. The clear fact is that God is our parent, and that we are linked to Him through an eternal parent-child relationship and in a life of attendance to Him. If this is true, then we must consider who is the criminal in the eyes of history and how it was that we humans came to have two masters. No one would dare refer to God as two. The One, or Hananim, is the Creator God who is our parent.

92 percent believe in God, angels, miracles and heaven

Yet, during the course of history, God has suffered great pain and waited endlessly. How often have His hopes been disappointed? We children need to comprehend how God has been anxious and lonely during a tremendously long time, and then live our lives in a way that begins to repay Him for His grace. Lucifer must go to his position. He must have a heart of repentance before all heaven and earth, and go to his position. Once he arrives there, he must adopt an attitude of waiting humbly for God’s direction.
See also: In the Kingship of God's love
See also: What about Go? He is our Dad


Lucifer’s fall in the Garden of Eden as a result of illicit love was passed down from generation to generation of human beings and became the original sin. The original world that God desired would have been a world where parents and children lived within the same compound, sharing love and living in beautiful harmony. The illicit love that resulted from the fall, however, meant that the love of human beings bore little resemblance to the true nature of love. This love only produced disharmony, and it was all that human beings could do to maintain love between husband and wife within a limited scope. It was as if a bird that is flying freely in the sky suddenly broke its wing, or somehow the wing fell off. No longer able to fly, the bird would have to crawl along the ground or just lie down. This would severely restrict its area of activity. Human acts of love today are as severely limited as the bird that has lost the use of its wings. This is the reality of love today.


Whether it be a husband and wife who are deeply in love with each other or a newlywed couple on their wedding night, the act of love making today has to be done in hiding so that no one else will know. This is the painful reality of the act of love making that Lucifer has passed down. God created human beings as His children, but the love of the children has been put somewhere where the parent cannot give it His blessing. When God gives His blessing to His children, all of creation also gives its blessing. God wanted to share in the joy and happiness of His children. Lucifer was the one who completely robbed God of the opportunity to express such a heart.


God’s heart and love were reduced to such a lowly level. God’s heart was brought to a pitiful state. This is how the fundamental motivation for human love was turned into something that caused God great pain and sorrow. Among the different expressions of God’s heart, even His love was broken and lost.

This painful history continued and continued until today. In order to bring an end to God’s lonely heart and the history of His grief, we must consider how Lucifer’s fall and illicit love has brought about untold amount of suffering to human beings. The time has come for us to get rid of the mistaken origin of love that Lucifer gave us. Thus, Lucifer must repent before God as a criminal who has committed crimes for thousands of years. He must raise both hands and take responsibility before God and humankind for his errors.

The Blessing Overcomes Historic Boundaries


In this way he must participate, along with the ancestors of the 360 million couples, in the building of a new heaven and new earth and make a redemptive offering before God and True Parents. Mistaken history must be brought to an end, and Lucifer must dance and sing with True Parents in the new Eden.

See also: God and Satan: The True Story


Where the concept of good and evil originated? Why the evil cause years of grief and pain in God's heart? As a parent, He waited with mercy for bearance and love for the appearance of true children who would shed light on the history of sin and evil. After his illicit relationship with Eve, Lucifer became separated from God. He attacked God and rebelled against God in every aspect of his life. He sowed discord everywhere he went. He planned everything so that the world of evil that began with him and Eve would be completely centered on him. He took on an aggressive character in people’s hearts that made them do the exact opposite of whatever God wanted. If God was working in the East, Lucifer would lead people’s hearts in the opposite direction toward the West in order to create an obstacle for God. He aggressively recruited people who ran into problems while working on God’s side, and began to increase the size of his group. On God’s side, there was no teaching about good and evil. Only the Word of God was taught. In Lucifer’s position, on the other hand, a great deal was made of the fact that God’s work was not working out well. So the group of evil was able to increase its numbers quickly, and only a few were left on the side of good (side of God). God did not try to make excuses. Nor did He give His teachings. This is where the concept of good and the concept of evil originated. Lucifer’s influence and organization was growing, and God waited with a lonely heart for Lucifer and his group to repent for their mistakes and return to Him. He waited countless years for this to happen. These were the years of God’s grief. These were the years of pain, years of grief, and years of indignant anger. The organization of evil became stronger and the forces of good were being defeated. But during these years, God waited and waited for the appearance of true children who would shed light on the history of sin and evil. These were the years of grief in God’s heart.

Rev. Moon & Unification Church Rev. Moon's followers and operation
How terrible it must have been for God to see that as time went on human beings developed two different hearts within themselves. These two hearts both defended and fought against each other, as human beings sought after two different masters. How God must have regretted that He ever created human beings. Still, God’s position as a parent was even more fundamental than His position as Creator. As a parent, He waited with mercy, forbearance, and love. As he did so, human beings began to seek God within their original nature and to live righteously. People sought God in different ways in accordance with the varying voices of their consciences. This is how different religions came into being. God is one. It pained Him yet again to see the rise of so many different religious groups. What is to be done with this pain of God’s heart? The longer He waited, the more religions were created in accordance with the ways that humanity was changing. Every time people tried to live righteously, Lucifer interfered in order to try to make them live unrighteously. This is how so many different religious groups and denominations have come into being up to this day. As Lucifer’s organization grew larger, there would be self-destructive acts carried out among the forces of evil. Every time this happened, more people would seek out a new righteousness, and this is how the history of the Heavenly way has been written. Thus, the road has been opened. People who are in areas where there is no road must come to the road, even if it means they must retrace their steps all the way back. A more direct expression would be to say that good represents the way, and evil is doomed to destruction. Lucifer has lived his life many years in the opposite direction from God, but now Lucifer must come back. Anyone who keeps going in an area where there is no road is simply making his eventual return trip that much more difficult. Lucifer and his band must not waste any more time in stopping all that they are doing now, repent, and return to God. They must apologize to God and confess to the world that they are the criminals responsible for the wrongful history. See also: A New Time is Coming: Golden Age of Spiritual Awakening

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011


I was born and raised in a small rural town, in a traditional catholic family . The values of purity fidelity and filial piety, where the common living values a that time. But in the process of growing up, I realize the contradictions inside of myself and in others.

I went to mass almost every day and received the communion very often. During a long period of my life, I feel Jesus very closed. When I was about 17or 18 years old, I was walking on the street with two of my friends, suddenly, I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth ". That experience, shocking me, but I didn't talked to anybody about this with fear to not be understood.

Any of the priest or nuns that I consulted a that time, gave me a clear answer to my questions about Jesus, God, the Bible, etc. Them I started to search by my own in a different christian groups, etc. Finally, after years of difficulties and some bad decisions, I found out the Unification Church.

To listen the Divine Principle, was like received a fresh water fall from the sky, it was like a personnel revelation to me. It gave answer to all the questions that I had have during all my lifeI was thinking inside, this is it!! this is what I was searching for...

After listen more and more the content of the lectures, I understand the real suffering course of Jesus, the position of His mother Mary. The true nature of God and His aching heart during more than 6.000 years of sinful history. And more than anything else, I realize the true personality and stature of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Message from Jesus about Rev. Moon

After studied and live the contents of the Divine Principle, my life has been change forever. Even unworthy, my heart is full of gratitude and appreciation toward Reverend Moon, who gave to humankind the great treasure of the Unification Principle, the revelation given directly by God to Reverend Sun Myung Moon

See also:

Longing for Jesus to Return


How was the relationship between God and Lucifer? What cause Lucifer's rebellion again God?
Through this article, you can find out how the history has been one of difficulties and pain, and why this history, now needs to be corrected.

Lucifer was created at the time God created all creatures. His status was that of an errand runner who would carry out various tasks that required attention in the Garden of Eden. God loved Lucifer. He closely inspected all the created beings in the Garden of Eden, developed them, and guided and taught Lucifer to enjoy them. For his part, Lucifer went throughout the Garden in accordance with Gods commands. He enjoyed his life there, and was obedient to God. Later, God created Adam and Eve, and set them in the position of His children. He directed Lucifer to look after, teach, and love Adam and Eve with all his heart.

At first, Lucifer was extremely happy. He took pride in the fact that he was looking after God's children. He was moved by God's love for him, and he protected God's children and raised them with care. As time went on, though, Lucifer saw that Adam and Eve were growing up just fine with less and less need of his help. Gradually, Lucifer began to turn against God's love.
Lucifer began to think, "No matter how I look at it, I'm the one who was here first and worked hard to cultivate this Garden. Why is it that God cares for and loves Adam and Eve more than me?" The seed of resentment toward God was beginning to sprout within Lucifer's heart. Sometimes, Satan would protest to God. "Why do You give Your work to Adam and Eve, when You have never done so to me? Why do you reserve such special love for Adam and Eve? I am disappointed. How can You do this to me?" This is how he began to rebel against God.

There were several incidents of this type, and eventually Lucifer came to the point in his heart where he no longer stood in the position that he needed to maintain. He began to think that he would like to live in the same position as Adam and Eve, and he began to have lustful feelings toward Eve. Gradually, Lucifer began to avoid being seen by God. Meanwhile, Adam and Eve were naive, and followed Lucifer’s every action. Lucifer acted as though he alone were their parent. He avoided God, and acted as though he alone was the master of creation. He controlled Adam and Eve, and gradually led them farther and farther away from God.

He avoided God more and more, and acted like a master, a king, and even the parent. And he began to tempt Eve. Adam wasn’t aware of what was happening, so he would go wherever he wanted to go in the Garden. Even as he grew older, he never understood the relationship that was developing between Lucifer and Eve. Adam did not have God’s teaching, and Eve was always around Lucifer. So Adam became accustomed to being by himself as he grew older. When Lucifer was planting the seed of evil in Eve, God warned Lucifer that he should return to his post and maintain his position, but Lucifer’s heart was already filled with curses for God. Lucifer no longer cared about his position or his station in life. God admonished Lucifer on many occasions.
God admonished Lucifer from several angles to let him know that abandoning his position was a great sin in the eyes of God. Each time, though, Lucifer rebelled by telling God that anything God did in His position, Lucifer could also do.
92 percent believe in God, angels, miracles and heaven

God gave several warnings, trying to avoid having a blot on history. Lucifer, however, began to plant in Eve the arrogant concept that he was the highest of all beings and that he could even become higher than God. As evil began to attack like waves washing against the shore, God endured tremendous pain and continued to admonish Lucifer. Finally, though, Lucifer became a criminal in the eyes of history. In other words, Lucifer began an illicit relationship with Eve. How can we even imagine how God must have felt when He learned of this. His heart overflowed with tears, grief, curses, and pain. God was in the Garden of Eden trying, together with the rest of Creation, to sooth His grieving heart.

How many days did this go on? How many years did it continue? In spite of God’s feelings, Lucifer and Eve avoided Him and accelerated their relationship as though they were crazy. Adam was still immature, and didn’t realize that God was going through such pain in His heart. All God could do was to treat the rest of Creation as His companions and as His children. God lived in sorrow for years. As Eve grew into maturity, she began to realize that her relationship with Lucifer was wrong. She then began to plant in Adam the same insecurity and fear that she had received from Lucifer.

Adam was immature. He looked upon Eve as less an object of lust and more as a woman who was quivering with fear. He wanted to help her, and so he comforted her and did everything that she asked him to do. This was the love between Adam and Eve. Adam, though, came to realize that Lucifer’s love for Eve was far more passionate than his own. As time went by, the love between Adam and Eve became very complicated and stormy. This was the beginning of sinful history of our original ancestors. This became the root of humanity’s original sin. How it must have pained God’s heart to lose His children to Lucifer before He even had the chance to love them.

Even in this painful position, God wanted to look upon His children from the position of parent. As a result of the Human fall, however, God had no choice but leave His position as parent. From that moment, the parent-child relationship between God and humankind began to write a history of difficulty, pain, and grief. The parent-child relationship of love deteriorated to a position of hatred, curses, and nightmares. That is why this history now needs to be corrected. Lucifer needs to return to his original position and raise both hands to God in sincere apology. I believe that is the only way that the pain of restoration history and the history of God’s grief can be resolved.

See also: Elevating Humanity

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Viaje a Suiza

El viaje a Suiza, nos dio la oportunidad de estar en la cima de una
montaña y de ver un entorno natural con unas vistas preciosas