The life of Reverend Moon, whose task it is to complete the mission of the True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution.
The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to indemnify and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. His task is to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the missions of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to the process of God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humankind, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone. It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many times between life and death, even vomiting blood, he still had to rise again like a phoenix to remain true to his promise to God.
Rev. Moon Sun Myung: Moments From a Lasting Legacy - |
In spite of a very difficult life with many unjust prison terms, Rev. Sun Myung Moon has forgiven his enemies and moved on. It is amazing to me that he continues this search for the peaceful world God intended, even though now in his 90s. He started this ministry so many years ago, but his zeal and energy remain strong.
ResponderEliminarRev. Moon's Ministry in the 1950s
The messiah, the True Parent, is the good news we have been waiting for. Rev. Moon is a harbinger of God's Kingdom coming.