viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011


On July 19, 2008, a helicopter carrying the Rev. Sun Myung Moon crashed into a mountain in South Korea, injuring Rv. Moon and others.

The helicopter was carrying 16 people when it crashed in Gapyeong, about 37 miles northeast of Seoul. It burst into flames after hitting the ground.

On that day july 19, 2008 at 5: a.m, the day started as usual, reading the scriptures.

Spending each day as if were thousand years observing and living in eternity as it were a moment, every second count for Rv. Moon and his wife


"It was raining before take - off I checked in with the staff at the main gate of the Jeong Gung Museum, no less than five times. During these communications, they told me that they could see up to the ridge, along the hill above. So we decided to take of and fly back to the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. We were suddenly enveloped in fog or cloud. As a result, we have zero visibility." Pak Gyu dong, pilot.

"When the helicopter started swaying, the children sitting next to me

were excited and said: "Wow"... I was about to tell them this was not a

fun situation, when suddenly, through the window, we began to see the top of the trees. Almost immediately we crashed with a tremendous bang". Yim Ji-seon, attendant.

"I was very frightened when I smelled the helicopter burning I could feel the intense heat from outside. Then I was really afraid, realizing that it could explode at anytime, I thought we were going to die and I move with a great urgency". Rev. Peter Kim, special assistant.

"The lower half of the exit door, which the mechanic opened, opens out as a staircase for the passengers. The doors are made to be pushed open. The upper half of the door was opened toward the skies, we lifted Rv. Moon up and through the exit. As we did so, we could already see flames and so we knew that the aircraft was already on fire. " Yoo Ki-byung, special assistant."

"This accident was quite similar to one that occurred recently involving an army Huey helicopter. In that accident, all of those aboard perished. In light of this, I believe the pilot of this helicopter took the right measures... and the passengers did everything they could to have done in the circumstances, I think it was because of this that there were no fatalities or serious injuries.

"The cause of the accident is currently investigated by government officials, the Sirkosky company and other concerning agencies. During the initial investigation it became apparently, aspect of the accident can no be easily explain some of the experts explain about 5 miracles phenomenon:

The first miracle appropriate altitude and the helicopter Rotor.

The second miracle, the cherry tree and the Y - shaped tree.

The third miracle, the muddy cradle on the Hillside.

The fourth miracle, Evacuation in the Gloom.

The fifth miracle, Coordinated escape amid the danger of explosion."

Choi Yeon Cheol, Professor helicopter Operation of Hauseo University.

to seen supernatural phenomeno : Jang Tae Ryung, movie director:
Mr. Kim Yong-ho a fellow movie director, told me that he was fishing at Gapyeong on the 19th when
the skies sud clouded over. He looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow, and although he thought it strange, he felt that seeing it meant good fortune. As he was gazing at the rainbow he saw a helicopter under it, and on a closer look he saw what appear to be a flock of white birds under the rainbow, by the aircraft. He thought they were doves, and wonder why there were so many white doves in the sky. As he gazed at the sight, he realize that the "doves" had human form, like people with wings. Hundreds of these people with wings surrender the helicopter."

An incredible testimony that it will be hard to described as coincidence.

The youngest son of Rv. Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, said: "I think we truly witnessed a historic moment of divine protection. My brothers Hyo-Ji nim, Heung-Jin nim and Young-Jin nim protected that helicopter. The ancestors came down from the spirit world at that moment and helped, each in their own way, by grasping hold to the helicopter. We all truly felt this."

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011




"When young people dropout of school they, and American society at large face multiple negative consequences". (American Youth Policy Forum).

Every year, close to one-third of eighteen year olds do not finish high school. The dropout rates for minority, students from low-income families, and disabled students are even higher. This is not just a problem affecting certain individuals and schools, it is a community-wide problem that affects everyone. High school dropouts commit about 75 percent of crimes in the United States and are much likely to be on public assistance than those who completed high school. The cost to the public for these crime and welfare benefits is close to $200 billion annually.

General Colin Powell, said in a "Good Morning America" exclusive interview:
"It's not a moral catastrophe, it's an economic problem... it's a security problem. So it is a moral and economic imperative for us to deal with this crisis".

Nationally, about 71 percent of all students graduate from high school on time with a regular diploma, but barely half of African American and Hispanic students earn diplomas with their peers. In many states the difference between white and minority graduation rates is stunning; in several cases there is a gap of as many as 40 or 50 percentage points.

Drop out is not a problem affecting certain individual and school, it is a community-wide problem that affects everyone.

For decades, educators have labored to help these kids but a community wide problem needs a community-wide solution. Moreover, schools want community help.


Dropouts surveyed wanted "better" teachers, more tutoring, summer school an extra time with teachers would have improved their chances of graduating.

The relationship between students and teachers are the most important factor in student's school experience, better positive o negative.

Personal problems cause youth to leave school if they do not have a trusted adult from whom they can seek help.

The pace of instruction is an important reason youth give for leaving school - students who need extra attention and don't receive it are likely to dropout (BYTF 2006).

"Today, school problems are emerging as an urgent social issue in America, Japan and the whole world. Teachers should educate their students with parental love. They should teach with love that is eternal. Their ties should last beyond their school days. Teachers should be unable to forget about their students for the rest of their lives. Those who connect all their knowledge with love are true teachers."
Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Family under attack:
UN and Obama against traditional family

Them, the dropout crisis is a complex problem that involves many factors. Mainly the kind of relationship between the family, parents and children. The family is the most significant school of love.

This relationship between parents and children, involve spiritual, moral and emotional aspects, and help to develop a good character education.

To have this good character education we need strong and good moral families.
It is a call to live with a high moral and ethic values inside the family and the society at large.

These ethic and moral values, are what Reverend Moon has been promoting for decades.

See also: True filial love

Resources: Solutions for America - Healthy Families & Children
Alliance for Excellent Education - FactSheert
National Save the Family Now, Movement, -Capital Outlook-
Ronald W. Holmes, Ph.D.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


The life of Reverend Moon,
whose task it is to complete the mission of the True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution.

The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to indemnify and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. His task is to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the missions of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to the process of God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humankind, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone. It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many times between life and death, even vomiting blood, he still had to rise again like a phoenix to remain true to his promise to God.
Rev. Moon Sun Myung: Moments From a Lasting Legacy -

Though he was innocent, Reverend Moon has had to endure unjust imprisonment six times: for working in the underground independence movement when he was studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang, which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s independence; during the Syngman Rhee administration after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and, furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the life of Reverend Moon? His has been a life of misery; by biting his tongue he has endured for the sake of comforting God, and for the salvation of the fallen people of the world who are suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if someone were to look into my heart and speak one word of sympathy, I would burst into tears and my tears would flow like a waterfall.

See Also: Sun Myung Moon:crazy for peace!


Rv. Moon 88 years of age, survived a helicopter accident.
After 13 days of the inc
ident, these were his words:

'This incident, the helicopter accident, was the ultimate determination
(of evil) to destroy even the hopes that I cherished in my heart.
You have to understand how much I have gone through in order

to fill the gap (between what is and what should be).

I abandoned my family when I was sixteen and departed from
this (secular) world at that young age. The things over which
I was unable to gain victory as the Son of Heaven when I was sixteen should (be restored) through history.
Rev. Moon & Unification Church
Rev. Moon's followers and operation

When Satan made his final assault to
destroy me when I was
on the S-92
heaven foiled his attack.
I am truly, truly, truly grateful for the fact that none of the people
on board were hurt by the flames and that all survived, and to be able
to be here today amidst the cheers and testimonies of the people
on the earth and in the spirit world asserting the manifestation
of True Parents"

"It was a miracle of miracles and should
go down as such in the history of air
accidents. Although there many adjectives
there are no words to describe it"
Lee Cheol Seung Chairman UPKMF.

See also: Attitude of gratitude can make each situation positive